Chocolatey repozitorijum

automatizacija zavisnosti za razvojne, produkcione i personalne sisteme

Miodrag Milić
vreme → inovacija
reprodukcija → garancija
docs → onboarding

Šta je Chocolatey

FOS sistem za menadžment softwera
  • zašto ne appwiz.cpl (Add or Remove Programs) ?
  • OneGet, Powershell Gallery
  • ... ili ms-windows-store:
Skoro svaki OS ima package repository
  • apt-get (Debian based systems)
  • yum/dnf (Red Hat & friends)
  • homebrew (OS X)
  • pacman Arch, portage Gentoo, pkg Solaris ....
In the beginning there was a command line

Chocolatey TLDR

Treba mi Firefox: `choco install firefox`

ili stariji: `cinst firefox -version 46.0.1`

Update firefox: `cup firefox`

Meh: `choco uninstall firefox`

Teba mi PowerShell: cinst powershell
(instalira dotnet ako je potrebno)

Želim sve browsere: `cinst allbrowsers`

Teba mi mnogo toga: `cinst allbrowsers skype powershell 7zip git`

Outdated: `choco outdated`

Update svega: `cup all`

Kako radimo sada

Personalni sistem

  • Manualno kod svakog OS install
  • Kloniranje nije preterano zanimljivo
  • Portabilne aplikacije ne mogu lako da se update-uju
  • Problem mnogo uređaja
source: Is the Windows User Ready For Apt-Get - Scott Hanselman
Moj Windows:   basic tools   network tools
iwr{user}/{gist_id}/raw/choco.ps1 | iex


  • Podrazumeva se ili postoji dokumentovano
  • Nekad se neko usudi da uradi silent install
    naporno, 20+ formata
  • Da li random osoba ume (sitni detalji)
  • Da li smo svesni tekućeg stanja sistema
  • Dinamika tima kod višegodišnjih projekata
  • Group policy - previše generalizovan


  • Manuelna okruženja.
  • Reimplementacija na build serveru.
  • Imutabilna infrastruktura

Kako da nam bude lepo

- jedan interfejs - *mnogo* pakovanja i **up to date** - stabilnost i reproduktivnost - da bude sigurno - i decentralizovano - lako za korišćenje (KISS) i ekstenzibilno


- maintainers: 1100 - install svake sekunde - [community repo]( - moderacija - trusted people/pkgs - virus total (50+ AV) - XP .. Windows 10

  • FOS NuGet kao format pakovanja
    • decentralizovan
    • specifikacija dependency-ja
    • nema security
  • Fensi zip fajlovi koji imaju pristup PowerShell-u.
  • Dodatna logika koja fali u instalerima.
  • CLI i GUI tool , ali ipak CLI, stvarno

choco -h

* search    - searches remote or local packages (alias for list)
* info      - retrieves package information.
* install   - installs packages from various sources
* pin       - suppress upgrades for a package
* outdated  - retrieves packages that are outdated.
* upgrade   - upgrades packages from various sources
* uninstall - uninstalls a package
* pack      - packages up a nuspec to a compiled nupkg
* push      - pushes a compiled nupkg
* new       - generates files necessary for a chocolatey package from a template
* source    - view and configure default sources
* feature   - view and configure choco features 
choco install -h

choco info visualstudiocode

 Title: Visual Studio Code | Published: 15.10.2016.
 Package approved as a trusted package on okt 16 2016 01.05.23.
 Package testing status: Passing on okt 16 2016 01.00.03.
 Number of Downloads: 29152 | Downloads for this version: 3
 Package url
 Chocolatey Package Source:
 Package Checksum: '+3oxLx45S5UHYp1+vbTLySqqQwtF8ONsIpXNPu+dhuHVwMaN6Hm5oC9+Wmwswuw2eQbWIpOpLk9XJkIJ6+x0Rw==' (SHA512)
 Tags: Microsoft VisualStudioCode vscode editor ide javascript typescript admin
 Software Site:
 Software License:
 Software Source:
 Description: Build and debug modern web and cloud applications. Code is free and available on your favorite platform - Linux, Mac OSX, and Windows.

  ### Package Specifics
  The package uses default install options except that it adds context menu entries and Visual Studio Code isn't started after installation.

  #### Package Parameters
  The following package parameters can be set:

  * `/NoDesktopIcon` - Don't add a desktop icon for Visual Studio Code.
  * `/NoQuicklaunchIcon` - Don't add an icon for Visual Studio Code to the QuickLaunch area.
  * `/NoContextMenuFiles` - Don't add an `Open with Code` entry to the context menu for files.
  * `/NoContextMenuFolders` - Dont't add an `Open with Code` entry to the context menu for folders.
  * `/DontAddToPath` - Don't add Visual Studio Code to the path.


Privatni repozitorijumi

- SMB share, simple server ili gallery - Simple servers - Nuget.Server, Chocolatey.Server - Artifactory, Nexus, TeamCity - ProGet (cinst proget), MyGet, JNuget


- OneGet provider - Puppet Chef OctopusDeploy Ansible ... - Drugi repozitorijumi `-source`: Ruby, WebPI, Cygwin, Python, WF - PowerShell: choco helpers & extensions - SCCM


- `cinst boxstarter` - reboot resilient - instalira sve update-ove i helperi za konfiguraciju Windowsa - [gist](

Šta je pakovanje

- Metapodaci + PowerShell installer ... koji uglavnom download-uje sa interneta ... sa HTTPS auto switch-em - Tipovi pakovanja install, portable (binary), virtual, meta (1 od) - `Packages.config`, `$Env:ChocolateyInstall\bin` - ne postoji source repo (deb-src) - checksum je od nedavno obavezan ... osim sa `--XXXchecksum`

Novo pakovanje

- `choco new ` - `chocolateyInstall.ps1` - auto uninstall ili `chocolateyUninstall.ps1` - Parametri, custom logika - Primeri: [dbeaver](, [less](, [nexus-oss]( - Alati: `cinst ussf insted` - Problemi: `msiinv` - [chocolatey-test-environment](

Automatska pakovanja

AU module

Install-Module au cinst au

- Koristi samo PowerShell da napravi updater - Automatski downloaduje sve URLove i računa checksume - Može da updatuje odjenom bilo koji subset package-ja - Plugin sistem: notifikacije, reporting, persistance ... - Dolazi uz spreman AppVeyor build

AU module: .\update.ps1

$releases = ''
function global:au_GetLatest {
     $download_page = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $releases #1 
     $url     = $download_page.links | ? href -match '\.exe$' | select -First 1 -expand href #2
     $version = $url -split '-|.exe' | select -Last 1 -Skip 2 #3
     return @{ Version = $version; URL32 = $url }
function global:au_SearchReplace {
        "tools\chocolateyInstall.ps1" = @{
            "(^[$]url32\s*=\s*)('.*')"      = "`$1'$($Latest.URL32)'"           #1
            "(^[$]checksum32\s*=\s*)('.*')" = "`$1'$($Latest.Checksum32)'"      #2
PS> updateall a*  report


- Custom installeri koji nemaju silent opcije - Autohotkey - Registry problemi - Nekad je teško napraviti downloader - Mrežni problemi - Ogromni installer-i - Rejected


- Metadata: conflicts / replaces / provides - NuGet 3 - PGP enkripcija - .NET Core

nano & docker

- Nano image je nekoliko stotina MB - Nano zahteva PowerShell: `NanoServerImageGenerator.psd1` - Nano ne koristi MSI subsistem već WSA - Chocolatey će podržati WSA i MSI na nano serveru - ETA: 6 meseci

Skoro da ne postoji nijedan kontejner koji ne koristi `apt-get` ili drugi menadžer [Rails docker image]( ``` FROM ruby:2.3 RUN apt-get update RUN apt-get install -y nodejs RUN apt-get install -y mysql-client postgresql-client sqlite3 ENV RAILS_VERSION RUN gem install rails --version "$RAILS_VERSION" ```

## Biznis - Package internalizer - `choco outdated | internalize` - Automatic package builder - Per version CDN od Jan. 2016 - Sinhronizacija sa _Programs & Features_ - `choco new --from-installed-msis` - `cuninst name* --from-programs-andfeatures` - Support i prioritet za nove funkcionalnosti


- [Npackd]( - [Zeroinstall]( - [Ninite]( - [JustInstall](

# Komuna - Gitter (više kanala) - Google group - Site -
# Korisnici - [Wallmart](, [Facebook](, Nordstrom, D2-SI - Puppet, Chef - Trezor
## Kako da doprinesete - Budite pre svega korisnici (uz feedback) iskoristite najbolje vreme koje vam je dato - Ne morate da bude maintaineri - Tražite od vendora choco package - Kada pomislite da automatizujete install ... nemojte ! - Tražite od kompanije choco biznis plan 500Eur/35m/yr - Tražite od Microsofta da podrži

Hvala vam